Securing a strategic partner with the experience, relationships, and resources to execute the technical requirements of a capital improvement fundraising campaign is critical.
Over the last five years Ausland Group has partnered with over 30 nonprofit and public organizations to help realize their capital improvement objectives. Whether you require technical grant writing assistance or post-award project management, having a steady hand with experience to make nonprofit capital improvement visions become reality is essential.
We have worked with nearly all major funding organizations and bring a high level of credibility and clarity to their technical requirements. In addition, our strong history of philanthropic community involvement adds a unique depth of understanding.
Ausland Group employs a staff of licensed engineers and project management professionals that can provide technical support in an array of areas including:
Initial consultation to consider feasibility of a partnership is complimentary. If a viable opportunity for your benefit exists, fees for our services are nominal. Upfront investment is typically less than one-half percent of funds generated, and in some instances can be made contingent upon project funding.